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As a student at Kenyon College from 1990-1994, I had the pleasure of meeting a mentor and friend, Mila Cooper (Collins at the time).  One of her prized possessions was a beautiful piece of photojournalism by Brian Lanker, I Dream a World: Portraits of Black Women Who Changed America. I understand it was inspired by Langston Hughes’ poem of the same name. In recent weeks, I thought about and read a lot about many of the women, highlighted in I Dream A World.  So much so that I sought out a copy for myself.  It's as magnificent as I remember from the first time I saw it.

This book along with Layla F. Saad’s podcast, The Good Ancestor has been my saving grace.  Each day, I walk 2 plus miles and listen to Layla’s podcast where she has introduced me to amazing Black women who are making a world, not only for themselves but for Black people everywhere.  During the COVID-19 pandemic and racism public health crisis, I have needed content to feed my soul. Each time I listen to her podcast, I walk away smarter, stronger, and better equipped for facing challenges.  I am forever grateful.

So, this renewed strength and energy has led me to pursue an idea, the In The Making Project.  The mission behind this project is to share the stories of everyday Black women in local communities who are doing the work to dismantle and change the systemic attacks on the lives of Black people.

If you would like to be interviewed or recommend someone to interview, please contact me at